
Our preschool program is designed to help children grow spiritually, academically, socially, and emotionally. We build skills developmentally through play, music/songs, themed activities, and hands-on materials.

Creative arts and social skills are integrated throughout the curriculum.

Learning Through Play

Each week there is an engaging theme that intrigues the children’s curiosity and love of learning. We thoughtfully vary the structure of each subject area, providing students with the opportunity to learn in whole-group, small-group and independent settings.


Math concepts are taught through playful, multi-sensory activities.

  • Number recognition
  • Write numerals
  • Count with one-to-one correspondence
  • Compare numbers
  • Sort objects by various attributes
  • Identify, copy, and extend patterns
  • Identify and describe shapes
  • Combine sets
  • Understand basic math vocabulary
  • Patterning
girl and boy on playground


The Literacy Program is structured around quality children’s literature that introduces a broad range of literary concepts and fosters a love of reading.

  • Recognize names and sounds of vowels and consonants
  • Note story elements such as character, setting and plot
  • Recognize and spell their names
  • Read and spell sight words
  • Demonstrate comprehension by making predictions, drawing conclusions and sequencing events.


At ACS, we follow the concepts from Handwriting Without Tears to build fine motor skills and alphabet sense through unique tactile activity options ,wood pieces, slates, dough mats, etc. Through daily independent practice, our preschoolers learn that their writing holds meaning.

  • Build crayon and pencil skills
  • Draw basic shapes
  • Write capital letters and numbers
  • Write their name in title case
  • Write left to right
  • Recognize that letters together make words
  • Use letters to represent sounds
  • Draw pictures to represent their thoughts and ideas


Through songs, the children learn about the state, country and world that they live in.


Weekly hands-on and engaging science experiments that encourage the students to develop a love for science while learning fun science facts.


The study of biblical characters introduces who God is and how he interacts with his creation.