From the Headmaster

I wanted it all for my children when they were in K-12 and I assume you do too.
I wanted incredible academics giving access to the finest universities possible for them (and I wanted scholarships to accompany that!).

I wanted them to make it through high school still strong in their faith, choosing to love Jesus and growing more and more like Him. I wanted them to be able to stand up against the foolishness of this world with compassion and strength.

I wanted them to have access to exploring their passions from sports to music to politics and more. I wanted them to learn more than how to be academically smart – that they would be articulate, critical thinkers, problem solvers and trained in leadership.

What we want for our children should be possible; students are in school 35 -40 hours per week for nine months. Shouldn’t that provide plenty of time to offer all they need? Unfortunately, statistics are showing that is not the case in most schools in the United States. Thankfully, ACS does not follow those trends. Our students are growing academically, spiritually, and in character. College recruiters and visitors frequently note the difference they see in our teens.

As parents, we want it all for our children. I believe you will find it at ACS.

Mrs. Kristen Brennan